St Joseph's Action on Climate and the Environment
To introduce the LiveSimply ethos and to advance the LiveSimply process as a continuing ‘Lifestyle Choice’ across our parish community in response to Pope Francis’ ‘Laudato Si’
We are delighted to announce that following our successful Assessment via Zoom on
Friday 11th June 2021 our parish is now a LiveSimply Community
We have achieved the Bronze level Eco Church award
The EcoChurch award required us to look at the whole church site in terms of environmental friendliness and efficiency
We provide opportunities for Worship and Prayer with an awareness of Living Simply and of Justice and Peace
Small groups meet for:
Lectio Divina
Women Pausing for Prayer
Red Wednesday vigil for Persecuted Christians
Virtual meetings have been organised to enable some of these groups to still meet during the pandemic
Living in Solidarity with the Poor
As a parish we have organised or been involved with;
The Columbian Missionary appeal
Interdenominational outreach with Soul Connect Youth Work and Street Pastors
A Shared International Lunch
Parish Pilgrimages to Rome and Assisi
Issuing APF boxes to parishioners with over £1,000 collected per year
BESOM, a charity which provides unwanted, useable domestic goods to those in need
A collection box in church for the local Foodbank
Fr. Tony and the Parish Team had already been addressing care for the environment by having bird feeders, a bat box, wilder areas of garden, recycling provision in the hall and office, collection of crisp packets for recycling and a bike rack
Two apple trees have been planted in the Church garden
Bee friendly plants have been planted in the presbytery garden
A compost bin is being made
Education focusing on Catholic social teaching
Fr Tony delivered a series of talks
A diocesan rep delivered training for Welcome Missionary
We have involved St Joseph’s Primary School
Their Eco Group created a banner (using recycled materials), for our St Joseph’s Action on Climate and Environment (SJACE) Board, displaying our LiveSimply and Ecological conversion information
Youth Involvement
Some of our youth prepared a video on Living Simply in our parish
CAFOD Walk Against Hunger 2022
CAFOD: Walk Against Hunger 2022 has ended!!
CAFOD funds local organisations eg clinics where people are taught how to nourish their
their babies, families and themselves.
Update: 2 teams –Glory of the Mud (5 members) and Glory of the Woods (8 members). So far Glory of the Mud have walked 1027km. and raised £210, Glory of the Woods have so far raised £610 and walked 2397km. To join in contact Penny in the office. Spread the word and ask friends and family to donate to CAFOD, our just giving page is st-josephs-dorking-glory-of-the-woods
St Joseph’s Bee Team
We have set up a Bee Team who have been busy learning about Bee Keeping.
We welcome new members!
We have been fortunate to have bee hives and other items donated to us and have also received financial donations.
We organise special opportunities for the isolated, elderly and sick in our communities;
Mass and Meet which meets the first Friday of the month in the Parish Rooms after 12.00 noon Mass for a home cooked meal for those isolated or needing some company during the day. Everyone is welcome! The next Mass and Meet will be on Friday 6th May 2022. If you require a lift contact Ricki Hughes 07769 824833 or the Parish Office
Those who are unable to come to Mass are visited by parishioners many of whom also take them communion.
We also have a team of volunteers willing to give lifts for medical appointments.
If you would like some extra support or you are aware of someone else who would, please contact Julie Briscoe ( or Ricki Hughes (07769 824833) who co-ordinate our Parish Outreach Group
Parliament in your Parish
CAFOD invited Catholics to organise a virtual meeting with their local MP, to discuss how to rebuild from the pandemic in a way that tackles the major global issues of our time, including climate change and unjust foreign debts
Julie McCullogh organised a virtual meeting with our local MP, Sir Paul Beresford and representatives from our local churches to discuss these issues
What next?
We plan to:
research our carbon footprints
apply for our silver award from Eco Church
keep the Parish informed about Cafod and climate and environmental matters through the newsletter and from the pulpit until the pandemic has finished
Organise a “sustainable wardrobe management” event with an expert speaker, garment exchange and alterations & maintenance demo and workshop - Sunday 13th March 2022 - Save the Date!
Parish Family Groups
Our Parish Family Group get togethers are informal and range in numbers, from a couple of families to whole groups
Activities have included;
Walks in the local woods and on the hills
Afternoon tea and games, casual lunches and social evenings in the Parish Hall
Group Mass
Litter Picking sessions*
Entertaining each other in our homes
If you would like to join a group or would like more information, please contact Julie or Denzyl at:​
*If you would like to organise your own Litter Picking Party, the parish have a number of ‘litter pickers’ on long term loan from the council which you may borrow