Parish Life
Pastoral Team
The Team works to oversee that the pastoral needs of the parish are met. We meet several times a year to review the Parish activities and future needs.
Our current pastoral team members are
Fr Ian Vane (Parish Priest)
Penny Dubois (Parish Secretary)
Julie Brisco and Ricki Hughes (Outreach)
Denzyl Castelino
Bernadette Smith (confirmation)
Carolyn Scrutton (Headteacher, St Joseph;s Primary School)
Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
These are ministries performed by trained members of the congregation during the celebration of the Mass.
Fr Ian organises training for readers and Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. Training is necessary to ensure that prospective ministers are fully aware of the importance of the ministries and the seriousness with which they should be carried out.
Altar Servers
St. Joseph's Church has an active group of altar servers (both boys and girls), within the parish, who serve on a regular basis, primarily on the Saturday/Sunday Masses, as well as the special holy days throughout the liturgical calendar. Their role is to assist the priest and/or deacon, as well as helping the congregation to pray.
Children can become altar servers once they have made their First Communion, and we encourage adults to join us too.
St Joseph's Church is a member of the Archconfraternity of St. Stephen, and a number of altar servers are enrolled within the Guild (shown by them having a bronze medal - no matter how long they have served, at present - around their neck).
If anyone would like to serve then speak to Father Ian (Parish Priest). Alternatively, contact Martin Stebbings (St. Joseph's Church MC) on 07771 523170.​
The Music Group
The Music Group leads the music at the 10.00 am Mass on most Sundays. It currently comprises any or all of singers, guitarists, flautists, a pianist and cello player. New singers and instrumentalists, young and old, are always welcome and we are also on the lookout for leadership talent.
The music group welcomes anyone who would like to join us – to sing or to play – or both! If you or your daughter/son is doing their Duke of Edinburgh award then singing/playing with the music group can count towards their volunteering! Something to consider. Send any enquiries via the parish office or Gabrielle Norman (01306 883633). No commitment – come and give it a try.
The repository contains a wide range of leaflets and religious articles. Money for purchases may be put in the wall box.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Sunday Liturgy for Children - as people's circumstances have changed the Children’s Liturgy has fallen into abeyance; so our thanks to all those who have led and been involved in the children's liturgy. If this primary work of the church is to continue and young families are to be encouraged in the practise of their faith, WE, as a parish, need to be supportive of them. can we ask then, that others will take on the responsibility for children's liturgy, this will require DBS checks and some training to assist and in due time to lead the occasional children's liturgy. Again, our thanks to all those who have assisted in this work as we look forward to others helping from September.
Flower Group
The Flower Group are always in need of people who are keen to arrange flowers during the year at St. Joseph’s. Duties include being part of a team available for Christmas and Easter flowers and also for flower arranging every couple of months, usually with another member of the team.
Flowers need to be watered every few days after arranging and titivated to ensure they are in good order for the next arranger to take over 1-2 weeks later.
If you love flowers and like being part of a jolly team, please phone
Tina Owen on: 01306 882978.
Eucharistic Ministers
We have a dedicated team of Eucharistic Ministers who assist Fr Ian in taking Holy Communion and visiting the our frail and elderly. If you would like to be on our visiting list please call the Parish Office on 01306 882433. Also if any parishioner becomes ill, moves into a Care Home or has to go into hospital, please let us know. Note that Care Homes and hospitals do not inform parishes if they have patients/residents who are Catholic so it is important you inform us if you would like spiritual support to be given.
If a parishioner would like to attend Mass but has transport problems, it may be possible to arrange a lift. Ricki Hughes (07769 824833) and Julie Briscoe ( are the parish co-ordinators.
Outreach Group (including Sick and Housebound)
An Outreach Group has been formed at St Joseph’s to assist those who may be facing isolation, anxiety and loneliness or need extra support in areas such as shopping, delivery/collection of medicines, a lift for medical appointments etc. or a regular phone call to keep in contact. In the current climate of Covid, these aspects are heightened. Outreach also incorporates the ministry for the Sick and Housebound which plays a large part in our Parish.
If you would like a regular phone call or you are aware of someone who needs help with any of the above mentioned, please contact Julie Briscoe - 07821 705209 or Ricki Hughes - 07796 824833 who co-ordinate our Parish Outreach Group. They have a Volunteer group standing by to help.